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A Message From the SSNA Welcome Committee:

Whether you have moved your roots from the opposite side of the country or just a few blocks over, we hope that you will find that living in Old Louisville is more like living in “Mayberry”, where the people are friendly and neighbors look after each other.   The key to experiencing this special feeling is getting to know your neighbors.  

One way to get to know your neighbors, and we don’t mean just those living on each side of you but for at least several blocks, is to join us at a Second Street Neighborhood Association meeting.  There, you will learn about different issues that might be of importance to your life in the neighborhood, be you renter, home owner, worker, or business owner, whether you walk, cycle, drive, or take public transportation.  Our Association is very social-minded where we come together after the meeting at the home of one of the SSNA members for a potluck dinner.  Nothing beats good conversation and good food!!!!  There, you will meet people who, like you, may be new to the area or who have or want ideas on area restaurants to visit or businesses to use.  The SSNA is very family oriented with their annual summer picnic and Halloween party and then we end the year with a wonderful Holiday Party in December with neighbors standing around the piano singing Holiday songs while little ones anxiously await Santa who makes a brief visit to pass out gifts.   If you think a potluck dinner after a SSNA meeting is great…..wait until you come to the SSNA Holiday Party.  There are no words to describe it!!!!

Before you begin to think that the SSNA is nothing but parties, there is another side.  As you walk up or down Second Street, you will see the beautiful period lighting that line the streets that help to compensate for the city lights that shine above the trees.  You will also find black wrought iron plant urns, street signs and garden benches on street corners or at bus stops.   Those were all put there as a result of many, many volunteer hours over the years by many of Second Streets residents with several fundraisers which include its annual spring bedding plant sale, Hidden Treasures Garden Tour and a fundraiser in conjunction with the St. James Art Show.   More than just the funds we have raised, these events have been a great opportunity for neighbors to work side by side and a chance to get to know each other.  The funds also benefit many in Old Louisville as donations are given to the Kling Center, Shakespeare in the Park, the Cabbage Patch Settlement, the Conrad Caldwell House, the 4th Division Police Dpt., and other various organizations.

Second Street Neighborhood Association

SSNA Officers


Board of Directors


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