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The Spring Plant Sale has ended. See you on the 26th for pickup!
WHEN: Two choices: Friday, April 26, 5:00-7:00 p.m. or Saturday, April 27, 9:00 am to 12 noon.
WHERE: Martinson’s family garage, rear of 1393 S 2 nd Street. Turn north into the alley from Magnolia Ave. (behind Scheler’s Grocery) between 1 st & 2 nd Streets.
PRE-ORDERS: Due by Wednesday, April 17. Return form by mail (or drop off) to Stan Duffy, 1310 S. 2 nd St., Apt 1, Louisville, KY 40208 (place in folder beneath mail box).
Please make checks payable to: SSNA
GUARANTEE: We guarantee your satisfaction or your money will be cheerfully refunded!
QUESTIONS: Please contact: Stan Duffy at 502-645-5031 or email:
Use promo code Spring2024 for $5 off $100 orders!

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